How to Improve Presentation Skills with these public speaking tips The Public Speaking Tips Series Imagine you’re suddenly asked to deliver a presentation at work this afternoon—perhaps updating your team on sales figures or department news. Would you feel panic rising, or would you calmly assemble your ideas and deliver confidently? Better yet, what if […]
Presentation skills Tips for PowerPoint The Public Speaking Tips Series How can I improve my presentation skills in a short space of time? What will it take to be become a better public speaker? This is a question on the minds of many of you who are giving presentation to their clients and peers […]
Why Selling on Price is a Race to the Bottom and How to Turn it Around Picture yourself in the sweetshop. A 6-year old child with your pocket money, you scan the array of sweets on offer and calculate how much you can possibly squeeze out of the bit of money that you have. You […]
When a business executive team sets its eyes in a new direction, with a vision on a new business strategy, how often do they look to see how strong their culture is to execute and succeed with their business plans? Peter Drucker put it eloquently when he talked about how “culture eats strategy for breakfast […]
How to Use Listening as an Effective Communication Skill Have you ever been described as a great listener? Would this describe you? Or perhaps you’re the person constantly asking, “Sorry, what did you say?” Recently, I was deeply involved in business projects that required exceptional listening skills to achieve critical outcomes for both teams and […]
Hiring the right sales people is all about understanding what selling is really about. There is no doubt that it helps to hire somebody who knows about your industry, but no amount of industry knowledge is going overcome inadequate selling skills or people skills. Here are the 4 mistakes companies make in hiring sales people. […]
I am often asked about handling objections by salespeople. It has been a staple of sales training courses for decades. Is it time to give that up? The question I ask myself is, ‘if buyer behaviour has changed with technology, why do sales people keep doing the same thing? Why are sales people not changing how they sell? […]
Help! Will the Fear of Public Speaking Ever Go Away? Have you ever asked yourself, “Will my fear of public speaking ever go away?” If so, you’re certainly not alone. Even the most talented and articulate professionals can struggle with anxiety around presenting. Throughout my experience, I’ve worked with numerous individuals who felt trapped by […]